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Av. Tecnológico No. 1340 C.P. 32500 Ciudad Juárez, Chih. México

SPDC México  2016

Instituto Tecnológico de Ciudad Juárez

19th, 20th, 21st April

It is the presentation in 15 minutes of a research topic or theme of engineering interest before a jury, proper handling of the same technical language to explain in a clear and understandable way. Judges evaluate mainly oral communication skills, talent talking or evidence presented.

Video Presentation Competition

The video presentation seeks to promote the ability to present a clear, concise and effective presentations to an audience in particular where the engineer is involved, using different technological tools and computer programs for editing and creating media.

Technical Web Page Competition

It is a competition that seeks to encourage and striking visual presentation of current issues in the area of mechanical engineering using web technology, made an attractive design for the user so that it is easy to see and understand the subject matter. The website is ready to be easily understood in the absence of the author.

Technical Poster Competition

This competition is designed to highlight the creativity of presenting a visual theme without having to be explained by the autor.

Student Design Contest

Each year, teams of up to four students compete with a problem taking established annually by ASME prototype, this event in Mexico is carried out on the SPDC (Student Professional Development Conference) as more of the activities within the event.
The competition is to design, build and operate a prototype meeting the requirements requested then be tested with other registered prototypes.

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